Skip to main content Bruker Pulse Programming
VMware Player Installation
- Download latest version of VMware Workstation Pro (now free for non-commercial use)
Misc info
- You’ll need to be added to the idea/midea project users to download the virtual machine (Ask Corey).
Getting Started
- Install VMware (see above)
- Go to -> login in with UWO -> click Downloads -> click bruker -> download latest version (*.ova file)
- Open VMware -> “Open a virtual machine” -> select *.ova file downloaded above -> follow prompts
- Open virtual machine.
- FIRST TIME setup
- Set
git config --global "your name here"
and git config --global
- Do
and follow instructions on gitlab to add a key. - Create a shared folder, which makes it easy to transfer files between host PC and VM
- Open “virtual machine settings” after VM has started
- Selection Options tab -> select Shared Folders
- Click “Enabled until next power off or suspend” (Note: I haven’t had luck with “Always Enabled”)
- Click Add… and follow the prompts
- The share will be mounted in /mnt/hgfs/SHARENAME
- start machine (PW = paravision)
- open paravision from the desktop (on the virtual machine)
- First time: need to create a coil configuration
- NOTE: may not be needed for pv 360
- Window->configuration->select coil tab->second click on “Coil Configurations” folder -> “Create default coil configurations”
- second click on “generic transciever 1H” -> save
- Starting a study
- open dataset browser window if not open already
- “Add study…”
- may need to select an rf coil config you made earlier
- “Create”
- Double click on study (can open one from another time too)
- In Palette, Explorer tab
- In Application menu, select user methods
- Drag into white box
- Change parameters etc
- To simulate, click on 3rd box from left above list of scans
- click on GOP simulation tab
- click start
- change to “Bruker Topspin” window (bottom bar in the operating system)
- Never suspend a virtual machine while Paravision is running
Sequence location
- Your sequence folder should be in /opt/PV360.3.5/prog/curdir/nmrsu/ParaVision/methods/src/ (Folder name matches the PV version)
Compiling your sequence
- You should see your pulse sequence folder in Workspace Explorer tab -> Method Development -> User Methods
- 2nd click, and choose Build/Install
Exporting your modified sequence
- In Workspace Explorer, 2nd click on pulse sequence folder and select Share -> As Source
- It will get exported to /opt/PV/share (replace with whatever paravision version you're running)
- Sometimes, after a successful compile, the sequence does not show up in the Palette explorer. Closing and reopening Paravision has fixed this for me.
- need #DEFINE DEBUG 1 in your .c file for printf and db_msg commands to show up on the parx server tab in paravision
- The file explorer in the VM OS does not seem to update files reliably. If the files are not showing up, click Control -> refresh.