Getting your MRI data
Manual download of Dicoms
Go to and follow the directions.
Automatic shell script to download Dicoms
NOTE: Needs to be updated- use manual download for now.
- Login into server (e.g., baron1) if data will live there
- Download and from Lab-Info repo, and put in same directory (e.g., ~/bin) somewhere in your home directory
- cd ~/bin
- Run script, with 3 input arguments: Date (YYYMMDD), Study folder name, Description
- e.g.
./ 20180509 OGSE_testing 'first tests of ep2d_baron to confirm diff waveforms and develop pipelines'
- e.g.
The above will download the dicoms to and convert them to NIFTI organized in the BIDS format.
- It is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to add a list of scans with descriptions to the description .txt file that will be created automatically
- To just view the NIFTI’s, you can mount the data directory on your local system (see above Servers section)
- For computationally intensive operations, ssh to baron1 to perform them.
Raw Data
- Tech will transfer data to the lab’s CBS server allocation. This is mounted on baron1 at /srv/bmisrv_baron
- The data will be in the folder “cfmm_data” on our CBS data share, which is at /srv/bmisrv_baron/cfmm_data on baron1
- Move the data from cfmm_data to the appropriate long term storage location (likely a trainee specific folder or studyDataRaw)